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Monday, March 21, 2011

Songs From Dreams

I haven't said much lately about my progress to write 20 songs by the end of the year.  I'm still on target.   I do have a couple of tunes in the works.   If I can get focussed, I'll be ahead of schedule

One has started to take shape.  I woke up in wee hours of the morning with this idea and the first verse.  Weird!  Song about a guy waiting at the train station for the 'noon train'.  but its 12:35.   Still trying to decide if I should make it a happy ending or a sad ending.  Maybe I'll write two endings - could give me some options.  That would be interesting! 

The other song came about in the middle of the night.  So far it is only an idea with a few guitar bits and even fewer lyrics.  Idea is about turning on the TV at 3 am and what I see as I flip thru the channels.  

I get lots of song ideas that come to me in middle of the night - probably out of some dream sequence.  Usually, by morning I don't remember much about these ideas.  I did have one song that came out of a surreal dream about floating around on some object.  I woke up with the music and some lyrics that really didn't make any sense.  By morning, those irrational thoughts evolved into a song called "My Dream Automobile".  One of those songs that I didn't think much of at first, but my friends like enough that it is one of the songs we play often.

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