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Monday, February 21, 2011

Creating My Music

My favourite way to pass time is create music and songs. I don't do this with any false misperceptions of getting rich and famous, but it is simply a way to feel creative. Writing songs does not come easy to me. I only started to write about 4 years ago, so I've let most of my lifetime go by without challenging myself to open up and share my thoughts in songs. It is not an easy thing to do, and it is even harder to write a song and share it with you. Each time you share a song, it feels like sharing your sole.

So far I've written about 25 songs. Some I think are stinkers and some are quite good. I do find it interesting though how people who hear my songs view them differently than I do. I've learned to write songs without worrying if you like the song or not. It is a process I enjoy. I don't often know where the ideas in my songs come from and it always amazes me when the words just come from nowhere. I've also learned that my first thoughts of where a song comes from are sometimes dashed when I later realize they have a personal deeper inspiration. Supressed emotions, I think.

My goal this year is to write 20 songs. So far I've written "Two Feet in the Water", "Two Roses", and co-wrote a song that is still in the works called "Green Valley Monsters". My next inspirations is to write a song about the road that leads out of Iqaluit. It's called "the road to nowhere.