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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Road to Nowhere

Since my previous post, I've managed to pen another song called "Road to Nowhere". This was inspired from a recent trip to Iqaluit, which is on Baffin Island. Other than a few roads around the towns, there are no roads on Baffin Island. The only road that goes out of Iqaluit ends after 5 km. It is called the Road to Nowhere, and is probably the most famous road in Nunavut.

The writing of this song was also a bit of a social experiment. I posted the tag line 'traveling on the lonely road to nowhere' on facebook and asked my friends to come up with lines, ideas, thoughts that I could incorporate into the song. And they did. after I gathered all those ideas, it only took about 15 minutes to flesh out the song, although I'm still tweaking it. Not only have a successful social experiment, I also learned there must be a lot of lost a lonely people out there. The song took on a whole new direction that I was thinking. It became more about the individual being lost in life and going on a road to nowhere. The actual road didn't even come into play.

I figured I needed to give tribute to the place of inspiration, so I did include a line about the 'northern tundra town'.

Now onto the next song. I've got one tune in progress. Music is worked out (mostly) and ideas for the lyrics are there, but I really haven't put them on paper yet. I find that once I write them out, the song starts to fall together more quickly. But, I need to get in the right frame of mind to make it work. While, that song is coming, I got another idea today in the car, so two things going on.

To achieve my goal of 20 songs by Dec. 31, I need to write (almost) 2 songs a month. so this is 1st week of march and four tunes are under wraps, so I'm still on track.

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