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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Queen of New Orleans

I haven't been too productive on the song writing side of things for a wee bit.  A couple of songs I've done lately are just songs.  Nothing that I particularly liked, but I finished them anyway.  I've been playing around with some music though, so I've got a few things in the works.   As often happens with me, I start playing around with a piece of music, but I just can't seem to find a topic where the lyrics flow.  Then out of the blue, a phrase or two will hit me.  

A couple of weeks ago, I had this piece of music that I really liked.  Not complicated, just a nice flow.  Last Saturday I traveled out to BC to visit with some home town friends.  The night before I was playing around with this tune and a simple phrase just stuck with me.   "I left my home in Texas,  I found my heart in New Orleans".   It didn't go anywhere until Sunday.   Sunday afternoon, my friends decided to go golfing.  I purposely didn't take my clubs with me - not much into golf these days.  So while they were out, it was quiet, and I had a couple of hours.  By the time they got back, I had most of the song done.  I played it for them, and they seemed to like what I had done.  

Monday morning I left for the 7 hour drive home.  Figured I'd turn it into a 12 hour drive.  I stopped a few spots along the way to take some photos (another hobby) of Mount Robson, some water fall photos, and a few of some river rafting,  Somewhere between Mount Robson and Jasper, I stopped off at a nearly vacant campground to have a bite to eat.   I pulled out my guitar and finished the song.  

The song is called "Queen of New Orleans".   Its about a cowboy from west Texas who gives up the cowboy life to follow his dream.  He leaves his home in Texas for a boat called the "Queen of New Orleans".  

I figured that I should record it so I didn't forget how it went.  I remembered that my laptop has a built in camera and some video software.  So I got a recording of the song.   The video quality is good, but the sound is poor.  Guess they make better cameras than microphones for lap top computers.    

I redid the song at home on my zoom.  I play this on my Blueridge guitar because it has the volume unplugged that I don't get with my Takamine.  Have a listen. Hope you like my cowboy turns sailor song. 

Have a look.  Hope you like it. 

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