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Friday, April 22, 2011

A Good Place to Be

My song writing has stalled.  I think I hit a wall (maybe that's a line for a song).  See how desperate I've become.  Actually, the problem I'm having is that musically, I'm looking for something different and as for lyrics, I'm just not having any productive ideas.   But then, part of  the reason for writers block is that rather than thinking about song writing, we've been focusing more on playing and preparing for upcoming music events.  Right now, that's a good place to put our focus.

Last night we were having a debate about what songs to include in a 30 minute showpiece set of all original songs.  Two years ago, that was a fairly easy task and there wasn't much debate.  Last year, it was a bit of a task to pick the songs we liked, but there wasn't a lot of debate.   This year, it is a debate.  I'm not even sure the debate is over.   You see, the problem is that we have about 50 songs to choose from.    Not only is the debate about what songs, but what order should they be played.  All through this debate, we thought about the paying customers, the audience, the fans.

What's the intent? How do we build emotion in the set? What image do we want to present?   Where do the best songs fit?  Where do the soft songs fit, or the uptempo, or the 'rockin' songs.    These are very tough things to figure out.  

Why are we having a debate this year that we haven't had before?   As of late our music has taken on a whole new direction and ranges across several different genre's.    We use a mix of instruments that is presenting a whole new and sometimes unique sound.   AND:  We have somewhere around 50 finished original songs to choose from, and who knows how many unfinished songs.   This is not an bad debate - it is a good debate.   It is a sign that our music is maturing.  

This is really a good place to be.     

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